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2019 - The Most Anticipated Year For All MARVEL Fans

Out of all the movies that release every year, how many do you actually go and watch? Life is busy and can get pretty boring so it's a great thing that 2019 has got some great superhero movies coming out! MARVEL knows how to get us excited. Ever since the first 'Iron Man', MARVEL has been successful in keeping us intrigued in its universe. Last year MARVEL had 'Black Panther', 'Antman and the Wasp', 'Deadpool', 'AVENGERS-Infinity War' and 'Venom'. Let's see what's in store this year. Both the Disney's Marvel Universe and 20th Century Fox movies based on Marvel are included.

1. CAPTAIN MARVEL- March 8th

The only movie you would probably be looking forward to after watching Avengers- Infinity War is Captain Marvel. I mean I knew I wanted to watch this movie as soon as I saw that post-credits scene! I tend to not look at a lot of trailers cz I don't want to ruin the fun of the movie. The movie is just more of a surprise that way, so check out this post credit scene to refresh your memory.

In case you're still interested in the trailer, here it is below....

Oh and did I mention it's the first MARVEL female superhero movie? Now I'm waiting for a Black Widow one.

2. AVENGERS: ENDGAME - April 26th

Yeah I know I just said that I don't watch a lot of trailers of movies, but Avengers is an exception. I mean come on! We all have been waiting for this movie since we saw that tragic ending in Infinity War. We're finally going to get an answer to everything and also find out if all the rumors of there being time travel are true or not.

Get excited to see all the superheroes reunite (hopefully including Captain Marvel)!!


I literally jumped (with joy) when I found out about this one. I was too sad anyways about Spiderman being turned to dust in Infinity War so this one will be exciting to watch, considering that the story-line is unknown. Oh also, another really cool guy will be in this movie.....

And there's Zendaya too....and a new version of the Spiderman soundtrack.....

4. X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX- June 7th

After so many X-men movies, there are still more coming our way. In X-men Apocalypse, we saw Sophie Turner star as Jean Grey and this year we'll see Jean Grey's darker side, her alter ego, the Phoenix. Basically, it's suppose to be a better version of X-men: The Last Stand. If you haven't seen the movie, I'll advise you to keep yourself in that position. Hopefully this one will prove to be better. One thing we can definitely look forward to would be Jennifer Lawrence and Michael Fassbender, reprising their roles of Mystique and Magneto respectively.

5. THE NEW MUTANTS - August 2nd

Yes, another X-men movie, 13th one to be exact. I'm not a huge fan of the X-men franchise (except the Wolverine films) so I'm hoping that this one will force me to change my views. It's an all new cast, no old faces. There are strong actors in he roles though, Maisie Williams of 'Game of Thrones' and Charlie Heaton of 'Stranger Things'. Hoping for the best for this one.

Here's hoping for a great 2019!!!



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